13 December 2022, Stockholm – The Filipino Community Leaders Association in Sweden (FILCOMLAS), an aggrupation of Filipino community leaders belonging to several organizations, held a “Pasko ng Bayan 2022” on 03 December 2022 at the Spånga Folkets Hus in Stockholm.
Ms. Letty Simpson, FILCOMLAS President and her officers, thanked the guests for taking time out from their busy schedule to participate in the Filipino tradition of celebrating Christmas as a community. She expressed her enthusiasm in being able to hold the event again after a two-year hiatus given restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Officers and staff of the Philippines Embassy in Sweden, led by H.E. Ambassador Maria Lumen B. Isleta, graced the occasion and took part in the festivities.
The Pasko ng Bayan is an annual event that aims to promote Filipino tradition in the Christmas season which includes games and gift giving for children, a donation drive, and a Christmas raffle among attendees. END.