23 October 2023, Finland - AmbassadorMaria Lumen B. Isleta, visited the Vamia Vocational Institute in Vaasa, Finland on 23 October 2023 to meet with the Institute’s Principal and other officers and teachers of the school.
Vamia was founded 1 January 2017 when Vaasa Vocational Institute, Vaasa Adult Education Center and the Vaasa Apprenticeship office merged into one organization. It is run by the City of Vaasa and is a multidisciplinary vocational education organization with approx. 5000 students per year (3000 full time). Vamia is offering vocational education to youth (16-19 years) and adults. The programs offered are on EQF level 4 and specialist vocational qualifications on level 5. Vamia offers programs in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Almost 60 different vocational qualifications and over 40 study programs are offered within Vamia. The school has two campuses in Vaasa (Hansa campus and Sampo campus) and six fields of education: Energy services, Technology services, Welfare services, Business services, Tourism services (hotel, restaurant/Catering, tourism, cleaning services) and General Education Services. It also offers short-term training and tailor-made in-house training for companies and their personnel. In addition, Vamia offers a wide range of occupational card tests that are to be held for professionals in specific occupational fields.
In addition to meeting with Vamia officials, Ambassador Isleta also met with some Filipino students currently enrolled in Vamia’s nursing programme under an apprenticeship arrangement with local health facilities in the area.
Also present during the visit to Vamia were Deputy Chief of Mission and Consul General Gines Jaime Ricardo D. Gallaga and Labour Attaché Ms. Amuerfina Reyes. END.