09 September 2023, Stockholm – Deputy Chief of Mission and Consul General of the Embassy of the Philippines Gines Jaime Ricardo D. Gallaga attended the Barrio Fiesta 2023 - Autumn Festival held at the Hallunda Folket Hus as organized and hosted by the Filippinska Kultur och Fritidsföreningen (Philippine Cultural and Leisure Association) in Sweden.

In his remarks, DCM Gallaga emphasized the hope that both the Embassy and the FilCom in Sweden will be able to explore new avenues for collaboration to foster a sense of community and nationhood despite being far from the Philippines. He also encouraged all the Filipino citizens to register for overseas voting to exercise their right to choose our leaders in the upcoming 2025 elections. DCM Gallaga congratulated Filippinska Kultur och Fritidsföreningen Chairman Zenaida Abbaspour for a very successful event.

Barrio Fiesta 2023 featured the Philippine cultural presentations, art exhibits, Philippine cuisines and lectures on women’s empowerment by Ms. Minet Aguisandra of Citizenship Disaster Response Network, Philippines.

DCM Gallaga was accompanied by his spouse, Madam Moira Gallaga and other Philippine Embassy personnel. END.